The UNESCO-Japan Prize on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)

* 申报者 Type of Nominee 
* 申请人姓名 Name of Nominee
* 联系人信息 Name of contact person
* 联系人职务 Function (e.g. Director, Project Manager)
* 邮箱 Email address
* 座机电话 Telephone (with country code)
* 手机电话 Mobile number (with country code)
* 邮寄地址 Postal address
* 申请者国家 Nominee's country
* 申请者地区 Nominee's region
* 请简单描述申请项目管理机构,中英文填写,英文回答请在700字符内完成(包含空格)
Description of the Nominee (Please provide a brief description using maximum of 700
characters including spaces.)
* 项目名称 Project/Programme title
项目网址 Project/Programme website
* 目标和目的 Project/Programme objective

Clearly state the overall objective of the project/programme, using a maximum of 200 characters
including spaces.
* 请说明项目目标和项目执行方法,中英文填写,英文回答请在900个字符内(包含空格)
Explain the objective of the project/programme and its methodology using a maximum of 900
characters including spaces. Please include all important information in a structured way.
* 为《可持续发展教育全球行动计划》做出的贡献
Contribution to the ESD for 2030 framework

(Tick one or more of the priority action areas of the ESD for 2030 framework to which the project/
programme mainly contributes.) 【多选题】
* 项目主要面向人群 Main target group(s) 【多选题】
* 项目覆盖地区 Geographical coverage
覆盖国家包括 Covered countries :
受益人群数量 Number of beneficiaries to date

请注明当前和之前受益人群数量 Indicate the number of current and previous beneficiaries.
* 项目开展时间  Project/Programme duration

Indicate start and expected end date. Please note that only projects/programmes having been running for at least four years will be considered.
* 项目资金来源 Funding

Explain the current and planned funding source(s) of the project/programme using a maximum of 250 characters including spaces.)
* 项目年度经费支出 Annual project/programme cost

请提供2020年项目具体花费金额(美元) Specify the amount for 2020 in USD.
* 工作人员数量 Number of staff

请提供2020年度项目工作人员数量 Specify the number of staff involved in the project/programme in
* 未来策略 Future strategy

Clearly describe the future strategy of the project/programme using a maximum of 700 characters 
including spaces. Indicate information such as follow-up plan, scaling-up strategy, target groups, 
duration and budget.
* 项目成果和影响 Achievements and impact

Provide evidence of achievements and the impact that the project/programme has had so far, using
concrete information such as feedback or quotes by participants, material or publications produced,
number and type of individuals or organizations trained, press coverage, previous awards received,
number of views of the project/programme website, using a maximum of 900 characters including
* 为可持续发展目标做出的贡献 Contribution to the SDGs

Describe, using a maximum of 700 characters including spaces, how the project/programme
contributes to the implementation of one or several of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
* 变革性 Tansformation 

Describe how the project/programme practices ESD as transformative education in support of
sustainable development, using a maximum of 900 characters including spaces. Transformative 
education means that ESD empowers learners to transform themselves and the society they live in.
This can mean, for example, taking action against climate change, changing one’s consumption
patterns, developing social entrepreneurship and sustainable livelihoods, or supporting those
struggling against poverty.
* 整合性 Integration

Describe how the project/programme addresses the three dimensions of sustainable development
(society, economy, environment) in an integrated way, using a maximum of 900 characters including
* 创新性 Innovation

Specify how the project/programme demonstrates an innovative approach to ESD, using a maximum of 900 characters including spaces.
* 网页链接 Web links

链接包括申报项目网页、出版物、视频、照片集等 websites, publications, videos, photo galleries
其他支持文件 Supporting Documents

Upload any supporting documents not available online.  【最多可上传5个文件】